Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water heater repair’

How Much Is Your Old Water Heater Costing You?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

As a homeowner, you may not give much thought to your water heater until it starts causing problems. However, an outdated water heater can cost you more money than you realize.

From higher energy bills to frequent repairs, the financial impact of an outdated water heater can add up quickly to the point that a replacement makes more financial sense. Learn more about when it’s time for service by reading 3 signs you need water heater repair. Let’s go over the ways that an outdated water heater can cost more than a replacement and why upgrading to a new model might be a smart financial move.

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3 Signs You Need Water Heater Repair

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Your home’s water heater is an indispensable part of your home comfort and your personal health and safety. While you may have a backup heating source if your furnace goes out, nothing can replace your water heater when it runs into problems.

Considering the extremely cold weather we experience here in Bozeman, MT, water heaters do more work in winter weather because the water they heat is colder. That makes your water heater especially prone to the need for repair. If you’re wondering whether water heater services are available near you, we’ve got you covered with reliable repair and maintenance solutions (yes, we provide water heater services too).

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Is it Time To Replace Your Water Heater?

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Here in Montana, our freezing-cold winters mean you need to be able to depend on your furnace to keep your home nice and toasty.

Although you might not realize it as often, your water heater plays an incredibly important role in your home comfort.

Think about how many times in a day you need water. You start off the day with a hot shower or a pot of hot coffee.

You make breakfast and run the dishwasher to sterilize your dishes. You wash your hands in hot water multiple times a day.

All these activities for your health and happiness are dependent on your home’s workhorse, the hot water heater. 

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