Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Helena’

Why It’s Time to Upgrade Your Portable AC

Monday, August 23rd, 2021

Portable air conditioners sound like a great investment when you first purchase a home, or when you’re in need of emergency comfort. After all, you can just spend most of these hot summer days in one room, or swimming in the pool, right? While this might be the case right now, the truth is that our expectations and lifestyles grow over time. What seems comfortable now could quickly become a hassle within the next couple of years. Whole-home air conditioning systems are designed to remedy this problem by providing you with plenty of space and comfort.

As your needs change, so will your air conditioning in Helena, MT. Today, we want to explain why a central air conditioner, or some other kind of whole-home air conditioning system, is always going to be better than a portable unit. We’ll explain how to go about upgrading it, and why upgrading could be a great decision for your budget!

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Everything to Know About Electric Furnaces

Monday, April 19th, 2021

We love talking about electric furnaces on this blog. Especially when it reminds us of our customers’ faces when they realize that they can indeed have a powerful furnace heating system in their home that doesn’t have access to natural gas. It’s true—heaters come in all shapes and sizes and furnaces are no exception.

However, before we dive right into the installation of an electric furnace in Helena, MT, we need to dispel some of the myths surrounding it. No, electric furnaces aren’t less efficient than gas furnaces by default. And no, unless you try to set it up yourself, you’re not going to have tripped circuits and reoccurring power issues.

It’s entirely possible that your home in Helena is adequately heated by an electric furnace for a low cost with no problems at all. But first, we need to talk about the basics of how these systems operate.

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Your Furnace Should Never Do This

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

We get a lot of calls from homeowners who notice something “strange” about their heating system but aren’t quite sure how serious the problem is. While we want to remind you that our phone lines are always open for people to call us and ask, you should be able to parse this out for yourself sometimes. There are absolutely things that signify the need for furnace repair in Helena, MT and there shouldn’t be any grey area around it.

To keep things simple, here’s a list of things that your furnace should never do. This means if you locate anything on this list that seems familiar, or that you just noticed your furnace doing, you should schedule repairs as soon as possible.

Don’t try to convince yourself that your furnace is the exception, and don’t start rationalizing why you can wait for repairs. Some of these fixes just can’t wait, as delaying them can lead to even more issues. For proactive tips on avoiding such problems, explore 3 tips to stop your furnace from breaking down.

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Do You Need a Furnace Replacement?

Monday, January 25th, 2021

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a furnace replacement? Is it how wasteful it seems? Is it how expensive this kind of service likely is? Or perhaps it’s the dread of how extensive this kind of work would be, and how much time you’d be without heat when you sign up? We totally get it and, as much as we don’t like it, we understand the reputation that this kind of service has.

Well, we’re here to change that. Furnace service in Helena, MT doesn’t have to be such a nightmare and a replacement can actually be an incredibly exciting opportunity. If you’re in need of a replacement or you’ve put it off for too long, then let us take this chance to convince you that furnace replacement can be a delightful service. We’ll go into what this can mean in terms of savings, technology, and learning about the industry.

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Furnaces: Your Handy FAQ Guide

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Are you a homeowner that’s never really thought about your furnace system until now, but now has some burning questions? Or perhaps you’re a homeowner that’s always been quite curious about your furnace, but you need some more intermediate answers to help you pinpoint a problem? Furnaces in Helena, MT are our specialty because they’re the most common heating system we see and service. We’d love for our community to be more understanding and knowledgeable about these types of systems, and we can start that today.

We’ve come up with an FAQ guide to tackle some beginner and intermediate questions for curious people that want to understand their furnaces. Be advised that this FAQ is not a tutorial to fix your furnace, or help you when you open it up and start working on repairs. For that, we only recommend you go with a professional technician who is licensed and certified to perform the work.

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How Important Is a Furnace Filter?

Monday, December 14th, 2020

How important is a water filter when you’re drinking water from the tap? Or how important is it that you strain your pasta before you cook it? We use filters in different aspects of our lives, but when it comes to HVAC systems, our furnace filters might be the most important. Furnace filters do a lot more than just improve our indoor air quality. Their main job is to actually protect the interior components of your heating system so it lasts longer and functions efficiently.

We’re going to go into some details about the reason why furnaces, and other forced-air heating systems, come with filters. We’ll talk about how replacing your filter can help mitigate the need for furnace repair in Helena, MT. You can also explore late-season furnace maintenance tips to keep your heater running smoothly even as the colder months come to an end.

Sound good? Great! Then let’s get to the point and talk about the need for furnace filters.

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Central Air or Mini Split: Which Is for You?

Monday, April 6th, 2020

Now that we’ve got plenty of time to spend at home, there are many homeowners who have started the inevitable internet search for their next air conditioner that will replace their broken one this year. We get it, for many of you out there it’s been over a decade since you last invested in a cooling system. Well, since then there have been huge numbers of technological advancements, as well as changes in the industry, that have lead to some unique ways to cool a home.

So, if you find yourself wanting to purchase air conditioning service in Helena, but you’re unsure of whether to invest in another central air conditioner or a ductless mini split, hopefully, we can provide answers to some of your questions. These systems differ substantially, and it’s only right to keep you informed so you can make the best decision possible when it comes to your home comfort.

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Avoid Heater Repair with 3 Tips

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Heater repair isn’t something that comes about easily. The winters here can be brutal, and having your heater shut down when you least expect it can be even worse. That’s why we’ve got some quality of life tips to help you improve the condition of your heater and hopefully avoid heating repair in Helena.

Though, we’re going to be honest with you. Heating repair is inevitable when you live in a climate like ours. We use our heaters so much that in the decades they’re supposed to chug along happily, they’re bound to run into some issues. Just keep in mind that when heater issues do arise, you don’t have to face them alone.

Our team has the qualifications and experience necessary to get your heater back up and running again. Please don’t look to an amateur or a family member to take a look at your system. This could cause more trouble than it’s worth and you might end up paying more than you signed up for!

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Come Visit Our Booth at the Helena Building Industry Association Home Show!

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

For those of you in the Helena area, you’re probably well familiar with the Helena Building Industry Association and how it helps businesses connect with the community in need. With homeowners buying more houses, remodeling their existing ones, or looking for the latest in home trends and solutions, there hasn’t been a greater need for this community business reconnection like this before.

Whether you’re in the neighborhood and you’d like to say hello, or you’re in some dire straights when it comes to your HVAC systems, we’ll have our own booth there. You can come visit us on March 28th & 29th this year at the Lewis and Clark County Fairgrounds Exhibition Hall.

We will be debuting some excellent Coleman equipment for all of our prospective customers in the area. From air conditioners to furnaces, we’re really trying to simplify heating and cooling for our community in a way that leaves everyone feeling comfortable. We’ll even give you some tips on heating or cooling habits and our expert advice on dealing with our extreme temperature trends.

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Signs You Could Definitely Use Furnace Repair

Monday, February 10th, 2020

Furnaces are the most common type of heater in America—and for good reason! They’re as durable and reliable as a heater comes. That’s why it’s so important for homeowners to be aware of when a problem is developing. Whether you’ve got an electric furnace keeping your home warm, or you depend on a gas-powered system that’s starting to lose its efficiency, vigilance is the first line of defense against paying too much money.

Using your eyes, nose, and ears, it can be rather easy to notice the most consequential problems with a furnace. We’re here to give you information that you’re better off knowing, while also providing the services you might need in case information isn’t enough.

So, if you’ve been having trouble either using your furnace or are hearing some unpleasant sounds coming from it, and you think you could use furnace repair in Helena, then this post is a must-read!

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