Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘commercial indoor air quality’

Keep Your Building Comfortable

Monday, September 19th, 2022

We’ve seen it time and time again–owners of a commercial establishment buying a portable air purifier to set up in their place of business. Whether it’s a restaurant or an office full of coworkers and employees, this just won’t cut it. Portable or residential air quality systems aren’t the same as commercial ones, and you can see this with some other industrial buildings that have to handle very serious concerns.

Think about a hospital or a museum! These buildings require precision indoor air quality control to the point where a residential unit could actually endanger patient lives or cause invaluable items to be destroyed. Now, your building might not be the same as a hospital or museum, but we’ve got a few reasons to talk about why commercial IAQ in Gallatin County, MT is so important. These systems are simply built differently, and they’re an important factor in keeping your building’s air clean.

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Is Your Commercial Air Quality Up to Snuff?

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Indoor air quality is a tricky subject for business owners. It can be expensive to have machines constantly scrubbing the air of your building—but it can be more expensive to have poor air quality. Customers, guests, and clients with sensitive respiratory systems or asthma will quickly do business elsewhere when they can’t take a deep breath in your establishment without coughing.

It’s not as bad as it seems. Affordable commercial indoor air quality in Bozeman can be achieved with the right team. These systems are investments and should be treated as such. When they’re allowed to clean air properly for over a decade, you’ll realize how energy-efficient and cost-effective these systems are. Don’t hesitate on this type of service because of the nightmare stories you hear.

So, is your establishment’s air in need of scrubbing? What are the effects of bad commercial indoor air quality? Let’s take a look.

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