Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Bozeman’

What Are My Options for Improving My Home’s Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, July 24th, 2023

Indoor air quality is a topic that’s been on the minds of a lot of Americans. With the recent wildfires in Canada bringing ash, soot, and smoke to much of the northern and eastern US, indoor air quality services are something that are in high demand as more and more people are feeling the effects of poor air quality in their homes.  

Many people will purchase a single air purifier and think that’s good enough. However, they have many shortcomings. To truly tackle the problems caused by poor air quality, you need whole house solutions. Let’s go over your options for improving your home’s IAQ and why those big-box store air filters just won’t cut it.

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Are Heat Pumps Suitable for Montana’s Winters?

Monday, June 12th, 2023

While heat pumps have surged in popularity over the last few years, some misinformation about them has also increased. Perhaps it’s because the name “heat pump” is a bit of a misnomer.

Some people think they “pump heat” and that’s all they do when in fact they supply both heating and cooling. And the heat being pumped isn’t the heat it’s delivering to a home. Heat pumps tap into ambient air, extract heat from that air, and move it into the home.

That leads us to one of the biggest misconceptions about heat pumps: that they don’t work well in cold-weather climates. Many people wonder, how can a heat pump extract heat from the air when it’s below freezing?

Even on a day with below-freezing temperatures, there’s still enough heat in the air for a heat pump to work effectively. According to the city of Bozeman’s website, “Even in cold air, there is still heat available. Heat pump technology has significantly advanced in recent years. Some cold climate heat pumps can operate at temperatures down to -15° F. When selecting a heat pump, it’s important to ensure you’re selecting a cold climate heat pump.”

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Why You Need Professionals for Your Commercial Heating System

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Here in Montana, the winters are long and treacherous. With rainstorms, snowstorms, windstorms, and ice storms, your commercial spaces are dependent on its heating system to keep your customers, tenants, and employees safe and warm.

When it comes to commercial heating in Bozeman, MT, you need a team of NATE-certified technicians with the expertise and experience to effectively service commercial heating systems. 

The needs of commercial heating systems are much different than residential systems. When it comes to their installation, repair, and maintenance, you need an HVAC contractor who’s familiar with these complex systems.

Learn why you should never trust a general handyman or residential HVAC company for your commercial heating needs. There’s too much riding on the dependability of these systems. 

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Furnace Checklist for the End Of Heating Season

Monday, March 6th, 2023

Your furnace saw you through some record-breaking temperatures this winter. With summer on the way, you won’t be using your furnace for a while. But that doesn’t mean you should forget all about your furnace when it’s not in use. 

There are steps you should take if you want to be able to rely on your furnace during the next heating season. Maintenance is the best way to show your furnace just how thankful you are for its performance.

It’s important to go through this end of heating season checklist before you close the door on winter and throw open the windows to welcome the summer.

Here’s a checklist of things you can do to make sure your furnace will be ready when you need it next. Staying on top of maintenance and scheduling furnace service in Bozeman, MT when it’s needed is the best way to prepare your furnace for next winter and extend its lifespan. 

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How To Avoid Heating Repairs This Season

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Halfway into the heating season, Montana has already experienced some extreme winter weather.

With wind chills bringing temperatures into the negative double digits, you’ve undoubtedly been depending on your furnace to keep your home warm and toasty during months of record snowfall.

Considering how much you’ve been using your furnace lately, how confident are you in its ability to heat your home through the rest of the heating season without any interruption in service?

Although we’re always available for any heating repair in Bozeman, MT, you want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid interruptions. For additional advice, explore our tips to stop your furnace from breaking down. Follow these tips on how to avoid furnace repairs to help ensure you can depend on your heating system when you need it most.

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Can I Finance the Installation or Repair of My HVAC Unit?

Monday, December 12th, 2022

We understand that purchasing a new HVAC system for your home or business can be pricy. At the same time, it’s impossible to live in Montana without a working heating system.

Whether you need urgent furnace repair in Bozeman, MT for your current system, a new furnace or air conditioner, or an upgrade to an older unit, financing is a great option to cover your expenses.

Ambient Air Solutions offers financing for both residential and commercial installations through Synchrony. We understand that many families and businesses don’t have the funds needed for vital HVAC purchases, especially when replacements are unexpected.

Financing a new HVAC system or repairs also allows you to keep your emergency funds available for other potential uses. You might be wary of financing such a major purchase but read on to learn about its many benefits.

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How Often Should I Change My Furnace’s Air Filter?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

In our world of video tutorials and DIY shows, homeowners are looking for ways they can be involved in the home maintenance process. Air filters are our favorite HVAC component to talk about because they’re an easy way for a homeowner to be proactive about home maintenance. With a lot of homeowners looking for DIY solutions to things that should only be left to professionals, an air filter is something they can certainly replace on their own.

However, knowing how often an air filter should be replaced is a bit tricky. There are several factors to consider when determining how often to change your air filter. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about air filter replacement or need to schedule Bozeman HVAC service.

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How Should I Prep My Home For Winter?

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Have you neglected your checklist of things to do before the really cold weather sets in? Perhaps the unseasonably moderate weather has caused you to neglect it. But it’s not too late to prepare your home for winter!

Winter maintenance shouldn’t be neglected, especially here in Montana. From things like water heater and furnace maintenance to making sure your pipes are well insulated, here are things you can do to prepare your home for another bracing winter.

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Correcting the Record on Commercial Heat Pumps

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

When people think of commercial heating in Bozeman, MT, they probably imagine a giant, towering furnace that glows red as it burns gas or wood to produce heat for an entire building. These are images that we see often in horror movies and suspenseful television shows because of how ominous they look–but nobody can deny that a furnace does a great job of keeping a space warm. However, as the industry changes, so too must our outdated view on heating systems.

Furnaces are one of many solutions to industrial heating. When you’re heating that much space, it’s important to know about all of the options and which ones might be more affordable, especially as natural gas prices and electricity costs shift. In our neck of the woods, building owners might think that only a furnace can do the trick during our cold winters, but that’s not really the case anymore!

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Is It Too Late for Ductless AC Maintenance?

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Absolutely not! We want to be very clear that we’re always around to provide maintenance to systems that need them, especially high-quality ductless units. But the truth is that things are more complicated when it comes to ductless heat pumps, and maintenance services in general, so we figured it warranted a blog to discuss some of the more interesting details of this kind of service.

Firstly, if you’re wondering how often your ductless AC in Bozeman, MT requires maintenance, it’s twice a year. More on that later. To ensure your HVAC system transitions smoothly throughout the year, explore our post on preparing for spring.

But then if your next problem is identifying the best times to invest in maintenance, that would be spring and fall. However, as we’ll discuss down below, late maintenance isn’t necessarily that much worse. It’s more about convenience than it is about the integrity of your ductless HVAC technology. So, keep reading so we can discuss this in greater detail!

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