How Often Should I Change My Furnace’s Air Filter?

November 21st, 2022

In our world of video tutorials and DIY shows, homeowners are looking for ways they can be involved in the home maintenance process. Air filters are our favorite HVAC component to talk about because they’re an easy way for a homeowner to be proactive about home maintenance. With a lot of homeowners looking for DIY solutions to things that should only be left to professionals, an air filter is something they can certainly replace on their own.

However, knowing how often an air filter should be replaced is a bit tricky. There are several factors to consider when determining how often to change your air filter. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about air filter replacement or need to schedule Bozeman HVAC service.

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How Should I Prep My Home For Winter?

November 14th, 2022

Have you neglected your checklist of things to do before the really cold weather sets in? Perhaps the unseasonably moderate weather has caused you to neglect it. But it’s not too late to prepare your home for winter!

Winter maintenance shouldn’t be neglected, especially here in Montana. From things like water heater and furnace maintenance to making sure your pipes are well insulated, here are things you can do to prepare your home for another bracing winter.

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Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

October 17th, 2022

Any homeowner who’s had to replace their water heater has probably considered going tankless. Although tankless water heaters are more expensive up front, their cost and energy savings will add up over time. According to the U.S. Dept. of Energy, a tankless water heater can save up to $107 annually on energy bills and is up to 34% more efficient than a conventional water heater.

If you’re considering making the change to tankless, consider these pros and cons of tankless water heaters. 

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Correcting the Record on Commercial Heat Pumps

October 3rd, 2022

When people think of commercial heating in Bozeman, MT, they probably imagine a giant, towering furnace that glows red as it burns gas or wood to produce heat for an entire building. These are images that we see often in horror movies and suspenseful television shows because of how ominous they look–but nobody can deny that a furnace does a great job of keeping a space warm. However, as the industry changes, so too must our outdated view on heating systems.

Furnaces are one of many solutions to industrial heating. When you’re heating that much space, it’s important to know about all of the options and which ones might be more affordable, especially as natural gas prices and electricity costs shift. In our neck of the woods, building owners might think that only a furnace can do the trick during our cold winters, but that’s not really the case anymore!

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Keep Your Building Comfortable

September 19th, 2022

We’ve seen it time and time again–owners of a commercial establishment buying a portable air purifier to set up in their place of business. Whether it’s a restaurant or an office full of coworkers and employees, this just won’t cut it. Portable or residential air quality systems aren’t the same as commercial ones, and you can see this with some other industrial buildings that have to handle very serious concerns.

Think about a hospital or a museum! These buildings require precision indoor air quality control to the point where a residential unit could actually endanger patient lives or cause invaluable items to be destroyed. Now, your building might not be the same as a hospital or museum, but we’ve got a few reasons to talk about why commercial IAQ in Gallatin County, MT is so important. These systems are simply built differently, and they’re an important factor in keeping your building’s air clean. For example, commercial air filtration systems can play a crucial role in combating wildfire smoke and other airborne contaminants that pose seasonal challenges.

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Air Quality Testing: The First Step

September 5th, 2022

When you take a deep breath inside your home, how do you feel? Here are just a few examples.

Some people say their air feels “stuffy” which is usually synonymous with the word “dusty.” Dust has a way of making the air feel dry and stale, which is why the word stuffy makes sense. Other people might say that their air is “musty” which can be a sign that there’s some slightly foul odor permeating through the air of your home. This can be due to something like mold or stagnant water.

Why are we talking about this today? That’s a good question! Before you can make noticeable changes to your home’s indoor air quality, investing in air quality testing in Belgrade, MT is a smart first step. This gives you a clear understanding of what contaminants are present, so you can focus on solutions. If wildfire smoke is a concern, check out how to combat wildfire smoke in your Montana home with air filtration systems for targeted air quality improvement.

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What Are Modular AC Systems?

August 22nd, 2022

For commercial air conditioning customers, there are some big differences from residential services that we need to cover sometimes. Commercial establishments are just a lot different from residential homes, and the cooling systems that are required are just built differently. One of those aspects we’re going to cover today is the fact that air conditioning systems can be set up to be modular.

Modular commercial air conditioners are just systems that can be added to a space when it expands. This means that you don’t just have one commercial AC in Gallatin County, MT, but rather a whole set of modular air conditioners set up on the roof of your building to cool a large amount of space. This is especially important for warehouses and other large areas that require many tons of cooling power, we need to be able to add air conditioning units as demand increases.

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Is It Too Late for Ductless AC Maintenance?

August 8th, 2022

Absolutely not! We want to be very clear that we’re always around to provide maintenance to systems that need them, especially high-quality ductless units. But the truth is that things are more complicated when it comes to ductless heat pumps, and maintenance services in general, so we figured it warranted a blog to discuss some of the more interesting details of this kind of service.

Firstly, if you’re wondering how often your ductless AC in Bozeman, MT requires maintenance, it’s twice a year. More on that later. To ensure your HVAC system transitions smoothly throughout the year, explore our post on preparing for spring.

But then if your next problem is identifying the best times to invest in maintenance, that would be spring and fall. However, as we’ll discuss down below, late maintenance isn’t necessarily that much worse. It’s more about convenience than it is about the integrity of your ductless HVAC technology. So, keep reading so we can discuss this in greater detail!

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Short Cycling: Why It’s a Problem

July 25th, 2022

A short cycling air conditioner is a big issue, one that we always recommend homeowners call a professional to fix. The problem can be attributed to numerous different sources and the truth is that the fix can be anything from an air filter change to a whole system replacement. Until your air conditioner is properly inspected and diagnosed by a pro, you won’t really know for sure why it’s short cycling.

For anyone who might be new to this blog, or air conditioning in general, we’d like to welcome you! Short cycling is a very specific problem that many people might not be aware of, so we’d like to use this blog post to explain a bit about why this phenomenon occurs and how it can be fixed.

Just remember that if it seems like your AC is short cycling, you should call our team for AC repairs in Big Sky, MT.

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Stay Cool and Collected This Summer

July 11th, 2022

Summertime is upon us, which means we’ve got a plethora of heatwaves, humidity, and everything else that comes with it. Your air conditioner is the first line of defense against those scorching hot temperatures, but it should by no means be your only method of staying cool and calm. Think about it this way, even if you run your AC all day, you still won’t feel good if you’re not staying hydrated and you’re not balancing the comfort of your home.

Today, we’d like to dedicate a blog post to a few tried and tested methods for staying cool during a heatwave. Feel free to print this blog post out, write it down, or pin it as a checklist on your fridge for the kids to read! Just make sure you call our team for any air conditioning service in Bozeman, MT, so we can help you right away.

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