We’re not implying that you use your thermostat the wrong way. In fact, most homeowners use their thermostats to reflect their own comfort preferences, and that’s perfectly fine! If you want your home to be warmer or colder, you should be the arbiter of that difference, and your HVAC system in Bozeman, MT should follow suit. If you believe that your heater just can’t quite keep up with your unique comfort preferences, it may be time to stop your furnace from breaking down with professional repairs.
However, sometimes the problem doesn’t come from the HVAC system, and can instead come from poor communication between your thermostat and your heater. Especially if you’ve got a relatively new heating system, there are some things you need to know about your thermostat that could help regulate things better and reduce your monthly heating bill!
Keep reading to learn a few tips on how to properly use your thermostat.
Notice When Your System Can’t Meet Your Comfort Demands
When evaluating the performance and quality of your thermostat, you need to also understand that it has to be able to meet your comfort demands. Here are some signs that it just can’t quite make it to where you need it to go.
- Your thermostat just keeps getting set higher and higher. No matter how high you set your thermostat, your house is still chilly. This is a problem with your system and it requires repairs, don’t change your lifestyle if you enjoy the warm comfort of a cozy home!
- It’s the same temperature no matter what you set on your thermostat. Your thermostat represents the brain of your HVAC system. If it’s not changing the temperature based on what you set it to, then something is definitely wrong.
- You’re not happy with your comfort control. Don’t forget, you should be in control of the temperature in your home. If you’re not happy with the results from your thermostat, then call our team for support.
Evaluate the Location of the Thermostat
Sometimes the mere location of the thermostat will influence the temperature readings in your home. This is important for a couple of reasons and it might influence how you operate your system. If you encounter uneven temperatures, it might help to investigate how to deal with cold spots throughout your home.
- Thermostats in direct sunlight will detect a warmer temperature. If your home is chilly but your thermostat is reading a higher temperature, it could be due to an influx of sunlight on the sensor.
- Thermostats low to the ground and in dark environments will detect a cooler temperature. Same as above, a thermostat lower to the ground and in a dark environment might read a colder temperature.
Set the Thermostat Correctly
Lastly, here are some helpful tips that you can utilize to reach better energy efficiency levels in your home. Remember that maintaining milder temperature settings helps your system operate efficiently. Also, don’t forget the importance of tracking your heating costs to avoid unexpected expenses over time.
- Mild settings are always a good idea. Raising the temperature to an unreachable degree won’t help the comfort of your home, it will only stress your heater out. Milder temperatures are better for performance and efficiency.
- Never go beyond what’s capable for your HVAC system. Your heating system should not be heating your home to 80° or above. Likewise, your air conditioner can’t reasonably cool your home more than 20° below the outdoor temperature. Keep this in mind!
Call Ambient Air Solutions for help with your thermostat operation. Simplifying Heating & Cooling.