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How Should I Prep My Home For Winter?


Have you neglected your checklist of things to do before the really cold weather sets in? Perhaps the unseasonably moderate weather has caused you to neglect it. But it’s not too late to prepare your home for winter!

Winter maintenance shouldn’t be neglected, especially here in Montana. From things like water heater and furnace maintenance to making sure your pipes are well insulated, here are things you can do to prepare your home for another bracing winter.

Schedule Furnace Maintenance

Furnace maintenance gets a jump on any potential problems you may encounter later this winter when temperatures plummet. If you skipped your last heating maintenance appointment, it’s not too late to get this essential service done. You don’t want to be without heat over the holidays or on the coldest day of the year.

Change Your Heater’s Filter

Changing the filter in your heater is a simple way to ensure that you get strong airflow and warm, toasty air when you need it. A dirty filter decreases airflow and makes your furnace work harder than it needs to. The harder your furnace works, the sooner it will need repairs or replacement.

Insulate Your Pipes

Making sure the pipes in your crawlspace, basement, and attic are well insulated is essential to avoid frozen and burst pipes this winter. Insulating your hot water heater is also a good idea. Now’s also a good time to look for leaky pipes and faucets and have them repaired.

Schedule Water Heater Maintenance

It doesn’t matter if your water heater is gas or electric, tank or tankless—routine maintenance is the best way to ensure that you’ll get hot water all winter long. If you haven’t had this service done in a while, now’s the ideal time to schedule it.

Check Your Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working and replace their backup batteries if needed.

Get Your Ducts in A Row

Ducts are one of those things homeowners tend to forget about since they’re out of sight, out of mind. But leaking air ducts are a common problem in central HVAC systems and can result in a loss of 20% of the warm air that moves through the ventilation system. 

With duct inspection, our technicians can find and seal leaking ducts. You will notice the difference right away because tightly sealed and insulated ducts can reduce your annual energy bills significantly. Not to mention you’ll notice your system running more efficiently when you use it less!

Schedule Stove and Chimney Maintenance and Cleaning

Schedule an annual inspection to keep your fireplace and stove working properly throughout the cold winter months. A clean chimney is essential to making sure it works efficiently and also to avoid chimney fires. 

Let us check off furnace, ductwork, and water heater maintenance from your list of winter home maintenance tasks. You can call a number of HVAC contractors in Bozeman, MT, but Ambient Air Solutions has a team with a level of training you won’t find elsewhere.

Simplifying Heating & Cooling. Contact Ambient Air Solutions today.

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