You know that you want to take care of your heater, but the details on exactly how to do that may be a little fuzzy. How do you know the differences between when to schedule maintenance, repairs, or a total heating system replacement? That’s what our team is here to help with.
You can keep reading to learn more about these three crucial heating services and the timing of each one. Then give our team a call so that we can help you decide between heating repair versus replacement in Manhattan.

When Should I Schedule Heater Maintenance?
Heater maintenance is a service that you should schedule once annually. The appointment is important even when your heater is operating fantastically. In fact, regular maintenance is the secret to maintaining that excellent operation.
Whether your heater is brand new or 15 years old, you need to be scheduling annual maintenance. If you have an older heater that you’ve never scheduled professional maintenance for, it’s never too late to start! Any steps that you can take to care for your heater will go a long way toward helping boost energy efficiency and longevity.
When Should I Schedule Heater Repairs?
It’s important to schedule an appointment for heating repairs anytime you notice something going wrong with your heater. Your heater could be operating just fine, yet making an unusual noise that you’ve never heard before. Alternately, your heater may be turning on and off frequently, or turning on and staying on for a long time without taking a break. You may even notice that your energy bills are creeping up without a clear explanation as to why.
Don’t ignore these early signs of heater problems. Putting off repair service almost always leads to more expensive and involved repair needs. Plus, you may be left with a heater that is broken down completely. A repair appointment is a good idea even if you had maintenance in the past year. It’s possible that something began going wrong after that appointment. Don’t wait for your next scheduled service to address concerns.
When Should I Schedule a Heater Replacement?
It’s a good idea to upgrade your heater after the 15-year mark. Heaters being installed today are much more energy efficient compared to heaters from a decade or two ago. The older your heater gets, the less efficient it is. A new heater can offer a better baseline efficiency plus the added bonus of being brand new with a fresh start. You can keep up with regular maintenance and repairs to keep the system in the best shape possible.
If you find yourself scheduling frequent repair appointments for your heater, that’s another reason to upgrade. Spending a lot of money on repairs only for a new problem to come up over and over again is a drain. That money is better spent on a brand-new unit that has a manufacturer’s warranty and long life ahead of it.
Contact Ambient Air Solutions today for professional HVAC maintenance in Bozeman, MT. Simplifying Heating & Cooling!