While we often mention springtime as being perfect for air conditioning maintenance, it’s also a great time for heater maintenance in Bozeman as well. It’s not just because temperatures are starting to warm up so you don’t have to worry about going an hour or two without heat, but technicians tend to be more easily available during milder seasons like spring and fall.
No, our team isn’t free because nobody wants to call us, but every HVAC contractor tends to get a higher volume of calls and service requests during the hottest or coldest months of the year. If you’ve been looking for an excuse to have routine maintenance performed on your heater and you notice the ice melting on a warming spring day, then give our team a call. You can also explore how to avoid heating repairs this season by scheduling proactive maintenance during the off-season.
Once you call us, then we can begin to explore the unique benefits that come from a service like this.
Minor Fixes and Repairs
When we say heater “repair,” you usually think about an emergency fix that needs to be made by a professional. If that’s all you have performed on your heater throughout the lifespan of the system, you’re doing yourself a disservice.
When scheduling maintenance, a technician can actually make some minor fixes and repairs, which will always help in the long run. From lubricating a ball bearing to tightening a screw that could’ve come loose, a maintenance appointment can make a serious difference in the frequency and cost of future repairs. If you’re curious, check out these 3 tips to stop your furnace from breaking down for more ways to keep your heater in top shape. Just like how getting your car’s oil changed can mitigate future problems going forward, having your heating system maintained can mitigate problems that would normally turn into emergency repairs over time.
Increased Efficiency
The other expensive aspect of a heater is efficiency. You might think your heater is in great condition and doesn’t need the minor repairs we mentioned earlier, but is it functioning as efficiently as it could be?
Maintenance that’s performed on your heater could increase its efficiency for years to come. That means you’re paying less money for your system to consume less fuel for the same effect. Basically, it means you’re saving money that you would otherwise lose for no reason. Efficiency is one of the most important aspects of a heating system and it’s why we all don’t just have a hearth like in the old days that’s fueled by wood from outside.
Increased Comfort Levels
Efficiency or stability aren’t the only two things that you get from scheduled heater maintenance. When you schedule heater maintenance yearly, you also get your comfort needs addressed accordingly. If your heater is constantly working about five to 10 degrees below where you’d like it to be, this doesn’t have to become the new normal. Having a professional technician investigate the problem and perform maintenance could be the perfect, and most affordable way to increase your comfort returns.
From minor repairs, to increased system efficiency, to even making your home more comfortable, having springtime maintenance performed on your heater is the perfect way to feel better about the fall or winter to come. For additional seasonal preparation, follow our furnace checklist for the end of the heating season to ensure your system is ready when you need it most.