Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Keep Your Building Comfortable

Monday, September 19th, 2022

We’ve seen it time and time again–owners of a commercial establishment buying a portable air purifier to set up in their place of business. Whether it’s a restaurant or an office full of coworkers and employees, this just won’t cut it. Portable or residential air quality systems aren’t the same as commercial ones, and you can see this with some other industrial buildings that have to handle very serious concerns.

Think about a hospital or a museum! These buildings require precision indoor air quality control to the point where a residential unit could actually endanger patient lives or cause invaluable items to be destroyed. Now, your building might not be the same as a hospital or museum, but we’ve got a few reasons to talk about why commercial IAQ in Gallatin County, MT is so important. These systems are simply built differently, and they’re an important factor in keeping your building’s air clean. For example, commercial air filtration systems can play a crucial role in combating wildfire smoke and other airborne contaminants that pose seasonal challenges.

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Air Quality Testing: The First Step

Monday, September 5th, 2022

When you take a deep breath inside your home, how do you feel? Here are just a few examples.

Some people say their air feels “stuffy” which is usually synonymous with the word “dusty.” Dust has a way of making the air feel dry and stale, which is why the word stuffy makes sense. Other people might say that their air is “musty” which can be a sign that there’s some slightly foul odor permeating through the air of your home. This can be due to something like mold or stagnant water.

Why are we talking about this today? That’s a good question! Before you can make noticeable changes to your home’s indoor air quality, investing in air quality testing in Belgrade, MT is a smart first step. This gives you a clear understanding of what contaminants are present, so you can focus on solutions. If wildfire smoke is a concern, check out how to combat wildfire smoke in your Montana home with air filtration systems for targeted air quality improvement.

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Why We Should Install Your UV Air Purifier

Monday, November 2nd, 2020

We have a confession to make. Our slogan might be “simplifying heating and cooling,” but to tell you the truth, we do much more than just simplify these two services. Your indoor air quality should be just as simplified, and our team can be the one to do that.

You don’t want to scramble around looking for the right contractor to provide you with clean, fresh air in your home. Especially right now, during a nationwide pandemic, you want a team that’s reliable and always been there for you. Our experts know how to install UV germicidal lights in Bozeman, MT to the point where you won’t have to worry about it. If wildfire smoke has been an issue for your home, consider how air filtration systems can combat it and improve your indoor air quality even further.

Do you need help with financing? Or perhaps you’re wondering why you should work with us? Well, keep reading and we’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.

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Air Filtration Systems: The Scrubbers of Dirty Air

Monday, October 19th, 2020

What do you know about an air filtration system? Well, more specifically, what do you think you know about air filtration systems for your home? They clean the air right? They filter air and remove particles that would otherwise make your indoor air nasty.

While you’re definitely getting warmer, it’s a little bit more complicated than that. Human beings are designed to breathe fresh air from the outside. While we might enjoy the coziness of being indoors, our physiology isn’t actually suited to inhale so many particles that are trapped with us on a daily basis. That’s why air filtration systems and air purifiers in Manhattan, MT are so vital to our comfort.

These systems use a combination of science, technology, and physics to keep our air healthy, safe, and comfortable. Want to know exactly how? Then keep reading as we get into the details!

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What a UV Air Purifier Can Do for You

Monday, September 14th, 2020

Air purification is one of the most popular topics to write and talk about these days. With a global pandemic surging across the United States, it’s vital that we keep our homes clean and safe by using any means necessary. Luckily, with the technology that we offer, it’s not that hard.

UV germicidal lights in Bozeman, MT have been an excellent way to clean air and remove contaminants from a home environment. They’re relatively inexpensive to install, they work by using the scientific process of UV radiation, and they’re undeniably effective at eliminating germs.

If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your home could be perfect for a UV air purifier, then we’re glad you’ve stumbled on this blog post. We’ll talk about what these systems do and why we consider them one of the most effective air purifiers on the market.

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Is Your Commercial Air Quality Up to Snuff?

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Indoor air quality is a tricky subject for business owners. It can be expensive to have machines constantly scrubbing the air of your building—but it can be more expensive to have poor air quality. Customers, guests, and clients with sensitive respiratory systems or asthma will quickly do business elsewhere when they can’t take a deep breath in your establishment without coughing.

It’s not as bad as it seems. Affordable commercial indoor air quality in Bozeman can be achieved with the right team. These systems are investments and should be treated as such. When they’re allowed to clean air properly for over a decade, you’ll realize how energy-efficient and cost-effective these systems are. Don’t hesitate on this type of service because of the nightmare stories you hear.

So, is your establishment’s air in need of scrubbing? What are the effects of bad commercial indoor air quality? Let’s take a look.

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Let’s Talk About Air Quality

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Do you have an air purifier? What about an air filtration system? We’re not here to sell you on one product in specific, but we’re here to generally talk about the lesser-known benefits of indoor air quality systems that can make your life a little better. Whether using an air purifier, an air filtration system, or some combination of both, you and the guests to your home could enjoy easier breathing and an overall higher quality of life than otherwise.

Recently the United States Government has started mentioning that many risks to your health might occur from indoor air quality rather than outdoor quality, contrary to popular belief. While it might be hard to believe for many homeowners, it’s easy to understand for us. From cooking smoke, to pet dander and allergens, to even dust and germs—indoor air quality can become quite a problem for unsuspecting homeowners.

If you’ve ever thought about investing in an air filtration system in Bozeman, MT, keep reading and contact us.

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