Ambient Air Solutions Blog: Archive for July, 2024

Four Common Commercial AC Issues

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Here in Montana, the summer weather can be unpredictable. If you’re a local business owner, you can’t afford to have a commercial air conditioning system that’s not in good working order. Even a mildly warm day can cause a commercial space to overheat without a well-functioning AC system. 

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure your system’s efficiency, but even with regular tune-ups, the need for commercial air conditioning in Bozeman, MT can arise. Understanding some basic common commercial AC problems can help business owners address them promptly and avoid costly downtime. Let’s go over four of the most common commercial AC issues.

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How Much Is Your Old Water Heater Costing You?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

As a homeowner, you may not give much thought to your water heater until it starts causing problems. However, an outdated water heater can cost you more money than you realize.

From higher energy bills to frequent repairs, the financial impact of an outdated water heater can add up quickly to the point that a replacement makes more financial sense. Let’s go over the ways that an outdated water heater can cost more than a replacement and why upgrading to a new model might be a smart financial move.

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